Featured Listings

Would you like your ad to stand out from the rest? Be at the top of search results? Or be visible to visitors on average six times more than standard ads? Then the Featured Listing spot is just for you.

The Featured Listing places your ad at the top of search results within the category it’s posted in, making it more visible. Your ad will also be marked with a “Featured Listing” badge, making it easily recognizable to users.

Whether you’re posting a new ad or editing an existing one, you can select this prominent position for your ad right away.

How the Featured Listing Works

Ads with the Featured Listing badge appear at the top of search results, significantly increasing the chances of being noticed first. They’re the first ads users see when browsing.

You can choose how long your ad stays in the Featured Listing spot, with the option to extend it if you wish.

Don’t see your ad in the results? Try refreshing the page!

Benefits of the Featured Listing Spot

The primary advantage of a Featured Listing is that, compared to standard ads, it is six times more likely to be viewed. Plus, your ad always appears at the top of search results, so you don’t have to worry about it sliding down the list and ending up on later pages.